Tuesday, January 31, 2012

You can't fix everything

I haven't been writing for the last few days mostly because I've been in a bit of rut this week.  Why is it that I just want to fix everything?  Do you ever feel like that?  I guess some things just can't be fixed...but moving on and forgetting about the things you really want to make better is so hard sometimes.  I don't have any magic inspiration or wise words about how to do it either.  I think that maybe it just takes time and baby steps to feel better.  It does really help to focus on the positive things in your life though.  Even when it seems like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, there are always so many things to be thankful for.  I have a beautiful family, an amazing husband, and I have a few very close friends that I know I can always count on.  These are all some really amazing things to be thankful for and to focus on.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Life doesn't end because of accidents or mistakes

Have you ever made a mistake so horrible, you thought for sure your life just couldn't go on.  It is a pretty overwhelming feeling when this kind of thing happens.  I just watched a video clip about a girl who made the decision one day to jump a train with her friends.  She had done it before, but this time it was different.  She actually had a feeling before she jumped that she shouldn't be doing it, and suddenly she was lying on the ground and realizing that both of her legs were gone.  She fell and the train ran over her legs.  Do you ever get those feelings of intuition, or "gut feelings" as they are sometimes called?  Usually when we get those feelings it is for a reason, but we don't always pay attention to them because we are caught up in a moment.  The most inspiring thing I heard that girl say in her interview was that "Life doesn't end because of an accident."  Life does not end because of our accidents or mistakes....it feels like it will, but it doesn't.  The beauty of life is that we have the choice to find positives in all of the negatives that are thrown at us.  Obviously there will be moments where we hurt over the consequences of our actions.  We will have days when we want to just sit and cry.  Crying is okay, and it is an amazing release of emotion.  Just realize that, with those tears , we can wash away the negativity and the sadness.  Move on one day at a time, and keep reaching for your dreams.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The truth and forgiveness will set you free.

Have you ever done something you thought you could never be forgiven for?  It's not such a great feeling carrying something like that around with you all of the time.  It's not always easy to tell the truth either.  Sometimes it is the scariest thing in the world to do.  The thing is....if you don't tell the truth, you are a prisoner of the lies and secrets that you keep...if you do tell the truth, you get it out, and then you hold your breath for a bit.  You wait, and if you are granted understanding and forgiveness you are overwhelmed with a feeling of blessing and relief like you've never felt before.  Sometimes you wait, and you wait, and you wait, and you wait a little more, and nothing ever gets rectified.  That can be a lonely feeling sometimes.  It can make you feel pretty sad and lost, but you told the truth.  You did the right thing, and that in and of itself will set you free.  You can't make someone understand you or forgive you.  Sometimes that can only come with time, and maybe it won't come at all...but you have to know that you did all that you could telling the truth and asking for forgiveness.  If you don't get forgiveness from the person you asked it from, do yourself a huge favor and give it to yourself and pick your head up and and move on. One day at a time, and one foot in front of the the other, you've got to move on.

Let Them Talk About You

Here's some things to think about:

I was thinking especially this morning about numbers 2 and 6.  If someone has something to say about you, yep...they should talk to you about it, but we all know that doesn't always happen.  We are all guilty of telling someone else our problems with another person.  If you don't do that and you have absolutely no problem going directly to a person with your problems towards them, awesome!
A lot of the time, people won't tell you directly how they feel because they don't want confrontation any more than you do....so, stop thinking so much about it and don't let it drive you crazy. ( I've been working really hard on doing this myself).  It's okay if someone doesn't like you, or if someone is upset with you.  It's all a part of life.  If we constantly dwell on what we think other people think of us we will worry our lives away.
So, logically we should realize it isn't healthy to obsess over what others think of us! It's none of our business unless they make it our business, and thinking too much about it will only drive you nuts!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Never Give Up on You

It is easy to talk about your dreams...but how easy is it to achieve them?  It isn't!  It takes a lot of hard work and determination to accomplish the things you most desire in life.  There will be days when you want to throw in the towel, throw up your arms, and say, "I give up!",but when you keep trudging up that hill and give it all you have, then in the end when you finally reach your goal, it makes you so much happier and leaves you feeling so proud and thankful. It doesn't matter, however, how many people tell you to be motivated, to believe in yourself, to work harder,or to not give up.  It doesn't matter until you believe that you can do it.  The belief and hope you have in yourself will determine your outcomes.  Success is all about attitude and perseverance.  You cannot solely rely on others to get you to where you want to be.  You are the dreamer of your dreams, so you must be the one who believes in them and works for them.  Never give up on you, and you will at least always have one person who believes in you!

Monday, January 23, 2012

The Positiveness in Letting Go and the Meaning of "busy"

What does it mean to be busy?  Really, what does it mean?  We all have those moments in our lives when we really are just so overwhelmed with work, with family issues, with life issues, multiple obligations, school work, and so on, and so on.  As of late, however, I have noticed the word busy being used as an excuse to avoid things.  The biggest overuse of the word busy seems to be in the avoidance of relationship issues.  Whether it is a friend or a boyfriend, or a girlfriend constantly saying, "I'm just so busy", or, "I don't have time to talk", it makes you think long and hard about what they mean by the word "busy".
When you start to think on such things, you may find yourself getting really sad over the situation.  You may wonder if the person ever really thought much of you at all.  Was your friendship real?  Was it of any value?
 I know the answer to the last question is definitely YES!  Even if you never get the time or opportunity to be with that person ever again, you will still have learned a very valuable lesson from them.  You will have learned that you are strong enough to move on without them, even if it seemed that you would never be able to do it...you can keep on going!  It may hurt you to move on, but over time that hurt will heal and will only make you more convicted and stronger.
 If someone really wants you in their life, they will make the time to be a part of yours.  When you learn that it is okay to let them go, you will be empowering yourself to move on.  It doesn't mean that you should be disrespectful of them, or ignore them when you see them, it just means that you are allowing yourself to be freed from the emotional tie that they had on you....and then you can continue to dream, and hope and be positive!  That is the positiveness in letting go :)

Positive Affirmations

Have you ever heard of positive affirmations?  Simply put, it's just a way of getting yourself pumped and motivated every day by telling yourself really positive things from morning until evening.  Did you ever hear someone say, "if you say it enough times, you believe it."?  This is actually mostly true. You have to dig down, deep inside, to find the courage to believe sometimes.  Sometimes you are just so bogged down with the negativity that tries to overpower all of us, and it is really hard to even find positive things to say.  Knowing your worth the time it takes to dig and to believe in yourself is the first step of positive affirmations.  Then, you can begin to really feel them every day.  If you aren't sure where to start with positive affirmations, here's a video I made about 3 years or so ago when I started on my journey towards positiveness.  It is really long because I got carried away with all of the wonderful quotes I found to put into it.  I called it my meditation video.  It is really relaxing, and hopefully some of the words in it can get you started on your way to daily positive affirmations, and even just finding the positive in your life.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Embrace the Differences

If you're anything like me, you might think a lot about what other people think of you.  I just have that type of personality I guess, and I tend to obsess over what other people think.  Sometimes it keeps me from getting done what needs doing.  It may seem to silly to others who don't have that type of personality, but I know there are lots of others out there just like me.  It's taken me a long time to realize that it's okay if people don't like me....but it doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt still.  I guess it just doesn't hurt as much.  Maybe in time I will get over it a little more.  Remember, even if your personality is very different from another persons, that doesn't give you the right to judge them...and there is no reason to try and change them.  It takes all kinds of people to make this world go 'round.