Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The truth and forgiveness will set you free.

Have you ever done something you thought you could never be forgiven for?  It's not such a great feeling carrying something like that around with you all of the time.  It's not always easy to tell the truth either.  Sometimes it is the scariest thing in the world to do.  The thing is....if you don't tell the truth, you are a prisoner of the lies and secrets that you keep...if you do tell the truth, you get it out, and then you hold your breath for a bit.  You wait, and if you are granted understanding and forgiveness you are overwhelmed with a feeling of blessing and relief like you've never felt before.  Sometimes you wait, and you wait, and you wait, and you wait a little more, and nothing ever gets rectified.  That can be a lonely feeling sometimes.  It can make you feel pretty sad and lost, but you told the truth.  You did the right thing, and that in and of itself will set you free.  You can't make someone understand you or forgive you.  Sometimes that can only come with time, and maybe it won't come at all...but you have to know that you did all that you could telling the truth and asking for forgiveness.  If you don't get forgiveness from the person you asked it from, do yourself a huge favor and give it to yourself and pick your head up and and move on. One day at a time, and one foot in front of the the other, you've got to move on.

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