Monday, January 23, 2012

Positive Affirmations

Have you ever heard of positive affirmations?  Simply put, it's just a way of getting yourself pumped and motivated every day by telling yourself really positive things from morning until evening.  Did you ever hear someone say, "if you say it enough times, you believe it."?  This is actually mostly true. You have to dig down, deep inside, to find the courage to believe sometimes.  Sometimes you are just so bogged down with the negativity that tries to overpower all of us, and it is really hard to even find positive things to say.  Knowing your worth the time it takes to dig and to believe in yourself is the first step of positive affirmations.  Then, you can begin to really feel them every day.  If you aren't sure where to start with positive affirmations, here's a video I made about 3 years or so ago when I started on my journey towards positiveness.  It is really long because I got carried away with all of the wonderful quotes I found to put into it.  I called it my meditation video.  It is really relaxing, and hopefully some of the words in it can get you started on your way to daily positive affirmations, and even just finding the positive in your life.

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